3 Natural Ways to Boost Your Energy Levels

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Everyone is exhausted, and we’re also sick of hearing how exhausted everyone is. As CNBC put it, “We’re tired of people telling us how tired they are.” They illustrated that with a photo of basketball superstar LeBron James yawning, probably because he was tired of trying to carry the Cleveland Cavaliers by himself. James ended up signing with the Lakers this summer in an attempt to bear less of the load, but what about those of us who aren’t superstar athletes? Here are three ways to stop talking about your exhaustion and start doing something about it.

Fit In Some Exercise Most Days

You might hear a lot about how you need exercise, and that might frustrate you because you don’t know how to fit exercise into an already busy day. Almost everyone has some fat they can trim from their schedule, though, even if they don’t want to admit it. Here’s one suggestion: instead of going out for lunch five days at week, bring in leftovers from the night before. A shorter lunch break might mean you can leave work earlier and get to the gym before the 6 o’clock rush for the treadmills and elliptical machines.

This may sound contradictory but stick with us. Feeling too fatigued for exercise means you need it all the more. Experts say a walk can often do more to give you energy than a nap. A nap may sound more fun than changing into workout clothes and slipping on your sneakers, but give it a shot. Promise yourself that you’ll only walk 20 minutes. It’s easier for some people to handle exercise if they divvy it up into segments throughout the day. Twenty minutes in the evening, 20 minutes after lunch, and 20 minutes in the morning can seem a lot more bearable than going to the gym for an hour. If you can do it all at once, then go ahead, but don’t feel like that’s the only way to fit in some extra activity.

Eat Smarter

Eating smarter doesn’t mean going on a fad diet that promises to help you lose 20 pounds in three weeks. In fact, those in the know say fad diets often make you cranky, dehydrated, and, yes, more tired than you were before. No magical solution will make all those pounds goaway. Yes, sometimes you can mistake thirst for hunger, especially if you feel lightheaded or have trouble focusing on the task at hand. But you still need to eat regular meals, and the occasional snack is fine as long as you’re responsible about it. Water is vital, but it’s not going to replace food.

What about weight loss supplements such as Fruta Planta? You can use them, but again, don’t expect your body to drastically change overnight. You need something that will work with your body rather than against it. Natural ingredients are better than ones that you can’t even begin to pronounce, but remember to do your research. If you have any questions about your weight loss regimen, talk to a doctor and see what they say.

Take a Break

One reason we’re so tired is because we’re burnt out from working so darn much. Americans work more hours than people in other places, and that leads to more mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. In the internet era, many of us feel like we can’t leave work at the office. If an important email comes in at 7 p.m., we better answer it or risk having the boss yell at us the next day.

The country is overdue for a reckoning regarding its work practices, but until then, the best thing you can do is get away as often as possible. Use what little vacation time you have and turn it into an experience you’ll still remember when you’re 90 years old. If you’ve always wanted to surf Hawaii or climb Mount Fuji, then now is the time to do it. There’s never going to be a moment that’s 100 percent perfect, so give yourself permission to take time off sooner rather than later.