A List of Habits You can Easily Cultivate to Limit Your Exposure to Cell Phone Radiation

The physical world produces electromagnetic fields (EMFs). The earth emits electromagnetic fields, and they are emitted by our bodies as well. But while EMFs usually occur in nature, technological advancements have made the level of electromagnetic fields too high for us to cope.

There are now a variety of non-natural EMF sources, including microwave ovens, televisions, Wi-Fi routers, cell phones, laptops, and even your home’s electric meter. But amongst the sources mentioned above, it can be said that we use our cell phones the most. Most of us even keep our cell phones close to our bodies. But cell phones emit intense EMFs, and if you are worried about extreme exposure to EMFs through your cell phone, there are certain habits you can cultivate to protect yourself. Here’s a list of practices you can develop so you can limit your exposure to cell phone radiation.

Learn to avoid skin contact with your laptop and cell phone


Most of us have to use our laptops and cell phones every day – it’s just the way the modern world works. There’s no denying the fact that cell phones and laptops are incredibly convenient, but this doesn’t mean that you cannot protect yourself from the EMFs they emit. What you can do, first and foremost, is avoid skin contact with these gadgets. Rather than place your phone directly against your ear when placing a call, why not put it on speaker mode? Rather than storing your cell phone in your pocket, put it in your purse or bag.

When using your laptop, don’t place it on your lap – instead, place it on a table away from your body. If you use your cell phone as an alarm in the morning, try to develop the habit of putting it on your bedside table rather than placing it right next to your head on your pillow. You can even use a special product to increase cell phone radiation protection, such as a shield, to protect you from EMFs. You can easily develop these habits, and you’ll have much better peace of mind as well.

Take advantage of ‘earthing’

There’s a term that not many of us are familiar with, but we are familiar with how it feels. We’re speaking about ‘earthing’ which you may have heard of as ‘grounding’ where you walk barefoot on the ground, so your feet can absorb the electrons from the earth. If you’ve ever walked on grass during the summer with your bare feet or enjoyed the feeling of sand between your toes, you can understand how essential grounding or earthing is. The earth’s electrons can aid in establishing balance in your body, ridding your body of electrons that come from air pollution, heavy metals, and more.


Establish a sanctuary

You can also take advantage of another useful habit if you want to limit your exposure to electromagnetic fields: establish a sanctuary. By this, we mean making it a point to keep your home as free from electromagnetic fields as possible. For instance, you can turn off the router for your Wi-Fi if you don’t have to use it and when you go to sleep at night. You can unplug electrical appliances when they are not in use. You can even do away with some electrical appliances altogether, such as microwaves. The idea is to make sure that your home is a haven from EMFs.