Quit smoking using Hypnotherapy

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Today there are many ways to quit smoking. Many of the promised solutions work better for some people than they do for others. People are turning to patches and pill and even counseling programmes to help them quit. The truth is that if one method worked for someone else it does not mean that it will work for you.

More recently more people have turned to hypnotherapy to help them quit smoking after other more common methods have failed. Hypnosis therapy treatment involves putting the patients into a

trance-like state which is similar to being asleep. During the session, the hypnotherapist will offer the patient subliminal messages.

These messages may not be something that the patient will be aware of, but they are designed to awaken the mind and help the patient make specific choices. The hypnotic suggestions are designed to work on the section of the brain which creates automatic thoughts. Your mind might generate an automatic reaction to certain scenarios in life. The goal of hypnotherapy is to target these reactions and reverse them.

The fundamental principle behind hypnotherapy is taking all unhealthy thoughts and bringing them to the surface then replacing them with positive thoughts. By doing this the therapist is able to encourage smokers to quit. In some cases, while under hypnotherapy, a smoker may be asked to tell of the unpleasant side effects of smoking as well as its dangers. In doing this the therapist helps the patient understand the main principals of quitting.

During hypnosis for those wanting to quit smoking, the therapist will introduce key suggestions such as smoking is bad for you, and that it is not really something the patient will want to do. By doing this the therapist associates bad thoughts with smoking. The goal of this exercise is that every time the smoker sees someone smoking they will automatically associate it with bad behavior, spurring the mind to work against the nicotine addiction rather than with it.

Hypnotherapy designed to help smokers quit will usually take place over a few sessions rather than just a single session. In the initial session, the therapist will use the time to implant suggestions that smoking is actually bad for you and can harm you. Over the course of several session, the suggestions become stronger. The reason behind this is that the session will become more forceful in the suggestions.

With the introduction of new stronger suggestions, the mind will begin to automatically see smoking in a negative light. It is important to note that hypnotherapy will not cause you to stop smoking immediately. However, you will start to cut down as your cravings become less, till you reach a point where you no longer have a craving for a cigarette, eventually leading you to quit on your own.

A number of studies have shown that hypnotherapy is the leading method used to quit smoking. A great number of those who participated in the therapy found that they were able to stop smoking within a few months. Hypnotherapy used to help the smoker quit is relatively new but regardless, it is praised for its effectiveness.