Understanding Veins and Arteries

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Our hearts works by pumping blood throughout the body, but how does the blood flow? It is the veins and the arteries that function and transport blood. While arteries carry blood away from the heart, the veins pump blood into the heart. Thus, veins and arteries are blood transporters of our body. They carry essential nutrients and oxygen needed by the body to survive. They are a network of blood vessels that carry these essentials to our cells every minute.

Difference between veins and arteries

Arteries are thick-walled blood vessels which carry blood from the heart to the rest of the cells in our body. Arteries are strong, have elastic tissues, and muscle that helps them to contract and expand during the transmission of blood. This is the reason why hardening of arteries causes an increase in the blood pressure level.

On the other hand, veins are the blood vessels that carry blood from the entire body directly to the heart. They are visible in our hands as they are closer to the skin than arteries which are deep rooted inside the body.

Veins have thinner walls than arteries because they are far away from the heart and withstand less pressure from heart. They have valves inbuilt within them which makes sure that the flow of the blood does not go the wrong way and cause any trouble.

As arteries carry blood full of oxygen, it is bright red in color. Whereas, veins carry blood that is depleted of oxygen and hence are darker red in color. They sometimes appear blue from the surface of the skin, but that is caused due to varying wave lengths that our eye and brain transmit.

Functioning together of veins and arteries

The main arteries transport blood rich in oxygen and nutrients to the sub arteries, which in turn deliver blood to even smaller vessels known as capillaries. These thin capillaries are placed between the arteries and veins. They serve as connectors between arterial system and venous system. They bring essential oxygen and nutrients from the arteries and supply it to the rest of the body. Finally, they also take carbon dioxide and waste materials away from the cells, carrying them through the veins.

Before reaching the heart, the veins stop at the lungs to release the carbon dioxide and fill it up with oxygen. Then again starts the circulation cycle. The full cycle of blood traveling from the arteries to the capillaries, then to the veins, and finally reaching the heart takes about one to two minutes.

Is medication for heart done in the arteries or in the veins?

As arteries carry blood from the heart, any treatment done will flow downwards and not reach the heart. The treatments related to our heart are done in the veins, which carry sufficient amount of blood to the heart. For example, IV is always placed in the veins and not in the arteries. Nowadays, stains are set in the veins to allow continuous flow of blood to the heart in patients who have ischemic heart disease. However, there are certainly diseases which are caused in the heart due to malfunctioning of the arteries. For example, high blood pressure in arteries leads to less supply of the oxygenated blood and result in respiration issues.

Now that you have a better idea of the veins and arteries, it is essential to prevent any probable heart condition. Even an effect on veins can cause problems in your heart, which is why you must consult Incredible Veins experts, for better understanding. Take care of your veins and arteries in order to maintain a healthier heart.