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The knowledge acquired in recent years of the role played as a chemical mediator by nitroxide, has enabled the development of drugs capable for the first time of correcting with a physiological mechanism erectile dysfunction.

Are there conditions that facilitate the appearance of erectile dysfunction in diabetic patients?

At the same age, erectile dysfunction is more frequent in type 1 diabetes than in type 2 and is very closely correlated with the subject’s age, duration of diabetes and the degree of metabolic control. In fact, like other complications, erectile dysfunction will be the more frequent the greater the intensity and duration of exposure to hyperglycemia.

It follows that, like other microangiopathic complications of diabetes, erectile dysfunction can also be prevented by maintaining optimal metabolic control. Arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease and peripheral vasculopathies are also risk factors for erectile dysfunction. It is implicit in this that subjects already carriers of other complications (retinopathy, nephropathy, and particularly neuropathy) present more easily signs of erectile dysfunction. The use of bluechew erection pills are perfect here.

Among the many negative attributes, smoking habits also have the decisive effect of promoting the appearance of impotence. Likewise, it is necessary to investigate the possible role of drugs taken for other pathologies frequently associated with diabetes such as diuretics, some classes of drugs used for the treatment of arterial hypertension, antidepressants, antiepileptics, some chemotherapeutic drugs and, to some extent, anti – non-steroidal inflammatories.

Is the erectile dysfunction of the diabetic subject susceptible to therapy and therefore to correction?

The answer must be positive today in the vast majority of cases. However, it will never be enough to highlight how, even in the case of erectile dysfunction as with other complications of diabetes, prevention is easier to follow than therapy. Therefore: early diagnosis, timely therapy, optimal control of blood glucose until almost normalization and elimination of any other associated risk factor to prevent the appearance of microangiopathy and therefore of erectile dysfunction.

  • If erectile dysfunction is already in place, the patient must first be reassured about the possible reversibility of the lesion and helped to eliminate the psychological component of anxiety and depression that frequently accompanies the disorder of sexual function. It should be noted, in this regard, that the psychological component may have a prevalent role in young people, especially in cases where there are no other complications or the duration of diabetes is brief.
  • Generally, there is no room for hormonal therapy and only occasionally can we witness a fortuitous coincidence of a hypogonadism with testosterone deficiency or hyperprolactinemia which, if present, require specific treatment.

Drug therapy is based today only on the use of phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors present in the penis. This class of drugs now includes more molecules, already mentioned above: Sildenafil was joined by Vardenafil and Tadalafil, which differ from the first in a more favorable action profile, while sharing the same mechanism.

As Per Mentioned

As we have mentioned, erection is due to vasodilation induced by nitric oxide, which is released from nerve endings due to sexual stimulation. Nitroxide stimulates the production of a second messenger, the cyclic GMP, which is responsible for the relaxation of smooth muscles and therefore of vasodilation. However, cyclic GMP has a very short biological life, being rapidly inactivated by phosphodiesterase. Phosphodiesterase inhibitors prolong the effect of GMP and therefore facilitate the appearance and maintenance of an erection.