What to Eat and Avoid After Wisdom Teeth Extraction –Recovery and Self Care

Wisdom teeth, the third molars, typically the last set of teeth emerge and grow at the back of the gums. Most people have all four wisdom teeth, while some get less than four, luckily some get none. Because there is little space at the back of the mouth, the wisdom teeth may develop at odd angles or only partially emerge. The impacted wisdom teeth can cause a variety of health issues. They may cause crowding, damage the adjacent teeth or change the teeth alignment. As they are located at the corner, they are hard to clean and may result in tooth decay.

Dentists often suggest affordable wisdom teeth removal cost in Sydney to solve or prevent these problems.

Foods To Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal Sydney:

After wisdom teeth removal, you will be put on a liquid diet and soft food intake for a few days. It is essential to ensure you get the right nutrients that help to minimise the risk of complications, provide nourishment, aid in the healing process and helps reduce swelling.

  1. Blended Soups: Soups are rich in vitamins and nutrients. They are easy to consume and also keep you hydrated. It is wise to ensure that your soup is lukewarm or cold and the vegetables are finely blended to a smooth paste.

Blended soups like pumpkin and tomato soups are great to eat after the procedure, both regarding nutrients and taste.

  1. Greek Yogurt: High protein diet and zinc intake may aid in the recovery process. Greek yogurt is a health food, rich in protein, vitamins and minerals such as zinc and calcium. Also, the creamy texture and the cold temperature are soothing.
  2. Broths: Not only broths are delicious, but they also contain a variety of minerals and vitamins, they are an excellent source of vitamins after dental surgery. Ensure that you take broths either lukewarm or cold.
  3. Mashed Potatoes: Mashed potatoes can be a comforting food after affordable wisdom teeth removal. Potatoes are rich in nutrients and calories, which are both important for a speedy recovery.
  4. Scrambled Eggs: Eggs are a source of abundant minerals, vitamins and high-quality proteins. Pasteurised eggs are rich in omega-3-fats that aids wound healing. Scrambled eggs are soft and easier to chew and swallow.

Foods To Avoid After Wisdom Teeth Removal Sydney:

Some types of foods may irritate the surgical wound and delay the healing process.

  1. Spicy Food: Spicy food intake can irritate the wounds and cause pain.
  2. Grains And Seeds: These can get lodged in the wound and disrupt healing.
  3. Alcohol: Strictly avoid alcohol during the recovery period. It may irritate the wound or interact with the prescribed medication.
  4. Chewy Foods: These can increase the risk of biting the wound area, lips, cheeks or tongue especially soon after the surgery while your senses are still numb.

If you ever had an affordable cost of wisdom teeth removal in Sydney, it is important to choose nutrient-rich, healthy and soft food.