Where to get the steroids? How to get the best benefit of using steroids?

There are still several issues that need to be resolved in relation to the use of anabolic androgenic steroids for sports or cosmetic improvements. For example, you do not know what the minimum dose of a steroid or combination of steroids is needed to produce increases in strength and muscle mass in healthy men and women and with strength training. A second point that has not been reviewed in controlled studies is the belief that several different anabolic steroids used simultaneously will produce a significantly greater anabolic response than any substance alone. Finally, it is speculated that part of what is gained in mass and strength when using steroids are maintained indefinitely after stopping the use of the treatment with the substance. However, this has not been studied adequately.

Types of Anabolic Steroids Used

The results obtained in unannounced tests with females and males bodybuilders in several competitions at national and international level. During a period of 6 years, it showed that anabolic steroids most commonly detected were nandrolones (36.4%), metenolones (29.6 %) and testosterones (11.9%), representing 77.9% of the total steroids used. Methyl testosterone was only detected in 2.4% of those who underwent the test and noretandrolone was not detected in any competitor. Less than 15% of competitors were using more than two steroids simultaneously.The dose of anabolic steroids in UK used varies considerably. Although some athletes consume more than 1000 mg of steroids a week, it seems that the average doses of anabolic steroids are usually five times less than the recommended dose of replacement for men, which is 100 mg a week.

Body Composition

By exaggerating side effects and minimizing performance benefits, the medical and scientific community has lost great credibility in its efforts to discourage the use of steroids in sports. It seems likely that many of the serious side effects associated with the use of steroids could have been prevented with medical monitoring and education before, during and after the use of these substances. It is time to evaluate steroids in large-scale, multi-centric and long-term trials that are part of controlled and supervised distribution programs, designed to form a database related to psychological effects, physiological and adverse side effects in healthy individuals.

Conclusion: Secondary effects of anabolic steroids

The side effects associated with the use of anabolic androgenic steroids are numerous and involve multiple systems in the body. However, during the last 40 years it has been considered that the general incidence of life-threatening events due to the medical and non-medical use of steroids is low.These studies should be combined with educational efforts aimed at reducing the demand for steroids in adolescents. These efforts should emphasize alternatives to the use of anabolic steroids, such as training, diet and adequate nutritional supplements. Likewise, you must strive to inculcate a sense of ethics and fair play in competitive sports. Strict programs for doping control and improvements in the detection of steroids are crucial to reduce the use of steroids in competitive sports.