13 Best Lower Back Pain Exercises and Stretches 

The most prevalent ailment among individuals globally is back discomfort. You can make the most of 13 stretches for lower back pain. However, lower back exercises don’t have to be strenuous or time-consuming. 

  • Pressing knee to chest 

When lying on your back, slowly elevate your knees towards your chest, hold for a little moment, and then straighten your arms again. 

  • Extensions 

Gently push up and lengthen your lower back while lying on your stomach. By lying on your forearms, you may modify this stretch if it feels too intense. 

  • Rotating the knee 

Bend your knees while keeping your feet on the floor and move them softly in the windscreen wiper motion from side to side. The lumbar spine is gently rotated during this exercise to relieve lower back discomfort. 

  • Rotating the lower back 

To draw your leg across, tuck one foot beneath the other knee. 

  • Infant Pose 

Knees should be wide apart, with toes together. Sit your bottom back against your heels as you extend your hand in front of you. 

  • Cat/Cow 

Begin on your knees, then softly flatten and curve your midback. 

  • Foam rolling 

Foam rolling can be a great part of exercises for lower back pain. Place the foam roller under your mid back, keep your backside on the ground, and gently extend your spine backward. 

  • Tilting your pelvic 

Arc your lower back while laying on your back, and then press it into the floor. 

  • Sharp ball roll on hips 

For thirty to sixty seconds at a time, roll the ball over the fleshy portion of your buttocks. 

  • Piriformis stretching 

In a figure-four motion, cross one leg over to the opposite thigh, and then softly drop your bottom to the floor. 

  • Stretching the hip flexors 

This exercise will open up the front of your hip. 

  • Stretching the hamstrings 

Having a stretch band wrapped around your foot, lie on your back with one leg flexed and the other in the air. 

  • Thread the needle 

Stretch your arm across to stretch your mid-back in a posture similar to a downward dog except that you have to be on your knees. 

Your best bet would be to look forward to joining the knees over toes program for the best results. 


It’s critical to comprehend the underlying causes of the discomfort to effectively use these lower back workouts. To guarantee you obtain the greatest results for you, a physiotherapist will assist in identifying the underlying cause of the issue and will provide a personalized program suited to your needs.