4 Ways to Use Essential Oil to Improve Your Health

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We all are aware that Oilogic essential oils are used for medicinal purposes for centuries. The medicinal properties have enabled these essential oils to stand the test of time. According to a report of Health and Science Journal conventional drugs are responsible for more than 7,80,000 deaths in a year in the United States alone. This rate is higher than the number of people suffering from cardiovascular complications and cancer. Here we will not discuss about the negative effects of drugs, but if you want to stay away from being a part of these statistics, then you are supposed to try essential oils.

Essential oils are extracted from plants and seeds and they are beneficial in psychological, emotional and physical benefits without causing any side effects on our health. Most of the essential oils have a pleasant aroma. These aromatic oils serve as antidepressants and relax our mind.

Qualities of essential oil

There are different qualities of essential oil, the difference is noticed even it is from the same farm. Harvesting methods, agro climatic conditions like when the plant is harvested and the method of extraction of oil plays a significant role in the quality of essential oil. Let us understand it with an example that if you collect ylang-ylang flowers between midnight and 9 AM, then you will get the best quantity and quality of essential oil in the flowers. I am emphasizing on harvesting techniques at the right time to ensure that you get the best quality of essential oil to get the maximum health benefits.

Ways to use essential oils

Here are a couple of the ways by which you can incorporate the use of essential oils in your lifestyle to get numerous health benefits.

Bottle inhalation method

You simply need to hold the Oilogic Care essential oil that bottle at your chest level. Move it closer to your nose to get a deep breathe of this aromatic oil. Initially you have to go slow and then breathe deeply. Breathing essential oil through the nose or mouth gives wonderful benefits because they interact with olfactory organ by passing through the nose in the form of tiny oil molecules.

Essential oil massage

You can take the massage of essential oils without diluting them. It is advised to consult your physician before using essential oils because there are some that require dilutions. You have to dilute essential oils in a carrier oil like coconut oil, olive oil or sweet almond oil.

The foot absorption method

In this method, you have to massage a few drops of recommended essential oil in the souls of your feet before retiring to bed. The biggest pores are in the feet and oil is easily absorbed in the body from there. With enough couple of minutes, you will feel the difference as these oils will enter your bloodstream.

Overall ingestion

It is not advised to take essential oils internally at your own. These essential oils are not dangerous, but you need to have some knowledge about the same oil to take internally. Your physician will guide you as how often you can consume it. What is the right dose?

There are a couple of other ways to use essential oils.

  • Essential oil bath
  • Ultrasonic diffusing
  • Car diffuser
  • Steam bowl inhalation