5 Important Instructions to Follow for Cooking Frozen Meat Pie

The new year resolution of every other person is to eat healthily and get into perfect shape. The big problem many people face developing healthy habits is that they have less time. Everyone is busy in their routines and does not have time to cook meals. Know that eating readymade and fast food every day can destroy your body. Readymade foods are the big reason why people are getting in serious diseases. You have to opt for homemade food to maintain a healthy routine.

It is hectic for us to stand in the kitchen and cook meals after a busy day at work or school. Having to cook a proper meal is the constraint in eating healthy. In this scenario, you need a permanent solution to this problem. The answer is to opt for a frozen meal and cook it at home. The benefit of the frozen meal is that it will not require more time to cook. You can store the meals in the freezer until you need to cook them. You can benefit from a commercial freezer offer and get it at a discounted price.


But the thing about frozen meals is that it requires slightly different instructions than regular meals. In frozen meals, you need to take care of its thawing and the temperature requirement. One of the quickest meals is none other than a meat pie. In winter, having meal pie for dinner can do wonders for you. Investing in frozen meat pie will reduce your work to a minimum of the half. So, it is better to opt for a frozen meat pie than make it from scratch. Below is a helpful guide to instructing on cooking the frozen meat pie. You can read the below instructions to find out the right way of cooking it.

  • Thaw your meat pie: 

The first step in cooking your frozen meat pie is thawing. You have to take out your frozen meat pie from your freezer. Now place your frozen meat pie in your refrigerator. Let your frozen meat pie sit in the fridge to thaw. Your frozen meat pie can take six to eight hours for thawing. You can also let the frozen meat pie sit in the refrigerator overnight if you do not have any time problems. Make sure you cover the meat pie while it is thawing. But sometimes, keeping the meat pie overnight in the refrigerator can make it spoil.

  • Brush with beaten egg:

 The second step is to brush your pie crush with egg white. This step will give your pie a shiny crust. You can also brush your crust with milk if you do not prefer egg white. The difference between egg white and milk is that milk will give a brownish tone to your meat pie. On the contrary, the egg white will make your meat pie shine. 

  • Cut into equal slits:

The next step in cooking the frozen meat pie is to cut your thawed meat pie into equal slits. The cuts into your frozen meat pie can create a vent for your meat pie. This way, your pie will not collapse after baking. The several slits in your thawed meat pie will let the air enter the thawed meat pie.

  • Preheat your oven:

The fourth step is to preheat your oven. The worst mistake you can commit is to place the thawed meat pie into the oven when it is not heated enough. You have to preheat your oven at approximately 325 degrees. Preheating your oven will speed up the process of cooking your meat pie thoroughly.

  • Cooking time will vary:

It is essential to know that the cooking time will vary according to the size of your meat pie. For example, five inches of meat pie will require 25 to 30 minutes of baking.