7 Tips To Prevent Lice In Children

Back to school brings back many routines and habits that were forgotten during the holidays and other less pleasant experiences like lice. Here are 7 tips to prevent head lice which can be treated by lice doctors, so your child doesn’t have to deal with them.

  1. School Information

When the school informs you about the existence of lice, it is recommended that you run a fine-tooth comb through your child’s hair to check and eliminate possible lice and nits every time he returns from school. When the opposite occurs, and your child has lice, it is essential to immediately inform the school so that the lice do not spread to all classmates or even the school.

It is important to keep strict control over your child’s head, so any nits or lice can be detected and eliminated immediately, preventing them from laying more eggs in the hair, reproducing, and infecting the entire head. To review the scalp, it is advisable to divide the hair into four parts and examine each part meticulously, passing a very fine or steel comb specifically for this purpose.

  1. Do Not Share

It is important not to share combs, hats, or hair clips. Lice which can be treated by lice removal service Roswell, Georgia for example do not fly or jump from head-to-head but cling to hair strands and move quickly from an infested head to another healthy head. The most important thing to avoid contagion is that the child does not lend anything he wears on his head to his peers.

  1. Vinegar

Vinegar is a great ally in preventing and caring for lice. Mix vinegar with warm water in equal parts and apply to your child’s hair. Let the mixture act for a few minutes. This causes the nits stuck in the scalp to fall off. Use a fine-toothed comb to remove any leftovers.

  1. Tea Tree

Tea tree oil is one of the best natural remedies to prevent head lice. It facilitates the removal of lice in a completely natural way, making the nits and lice detach from the hair, making it easier to remove them with the help of a fine comb.

To eliminate lice, dilute about 10 drops of tea tree oil with a bit of water and place it in a spray bottle. Shake the mixture and spray the hair evenly, not forgetting the back of the neck and behind the ears. Make sure that all parts of the scalp are impregnated with the mixture. Pin your hair, put on a plastic shower cap, and let it sit for at least 30 minutes.

  1. Lavender

Lavender essential oil is known for its antiseptic properties, has a delightful scent, and is great for preventing head lice. It’s worth remembering that it’s good to prevent, but it doesn’t work to kill lice and nits. To do this, apply a few drops of lavender oil behind the ears. It is an excellent natural repellent and prevents lice from jumping onto the head and settling there.

  1. Rosemary

The scent of rosemary also works as a repellent for lice. To make this homemade recipe, you must put a few drops of rosemary essential oil in your usual shampoo. Let the mixture sit on your hair for about 30 minutes, then rinse.

  1. Pharmaceuticals

In the pharmacy, you can find a multitude of shampoos, lotions, or specific remedies for this. All should always be applied to dry hair, lightly massaging the area. It is essential to follow the manufacturer’s and pharmacist’s instructions. These types of pharmaceutical treatments are often quite effective. The treatment is usually repeated within a few days of the first application to ensure the complete removal of nits and lice.