What You Shouldn’t Be Eating & Drinking Before Your Injectable Treatment

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If you’re considering an injectable treatment, you’re probably wondering how you can reduce any bruising and swelling.

It should be noted that even the best cosmetic surgeons can cause bruising, swelling and redness, especially when injections are administered around the eyes and lips because there are more blood vessels present in those areas.

Fortunately, these minor side effects don’t last long and can be covered up with makeup in most cases.

What to avoid before your injectable treatment

There are a number of things that you can do to reduce the bruising and swelling and minimise downtime following your treatment. This is what you should avoid:

– Anti-inflammatories. Unless it’s medically necessary, it’s best to avoid any blood thinning medication and all anti-inflammatories for at least 2 weeks before you treatment. Medications and supplements that thin your blood will make bruising more likely but always speak to your doctor before stopping any medication. The same applies to any natural supplements that may affect the thickness of your blood. This includes supplements such as Vitamin E, Omega-3, fish oil, gingko and ginseng.

– Alcohol. Anti-wrinkle injections specialists, Clinica Lase Melbourne & Ballarat, recommend staying away from alcohol for several days before your injectable treatment as it also thins the blood. It’s only for a little while and the results will be well worth this small sacrifice.

– Caffeine. Patients should avoid any caffeine for at least 24 hours before their treatment, this includes both food and drinks. This is because caffeine tends to slow down the healing process.

– Sodium. Another step that you can take to reduce bruising and swelling after your injectable treatment is to cut back on salt for a few days before your appointment, particularly if you’ve booked dermal fillers. This is because most fillers contain hyaluronic acid that binds to water. By reducing your salt intake, you’ll be able to reduce any swelling that may occur after your treatment.

What can I take?

Many people have reported that taking Arnica is a great way to minimise bruising and swelling as a result of injectable treatments. As always, rather check with your doctor whether this is a viable option as it may not always be suitable for you if you have certain medical conditions.

Other professionals have found that eating fresh pineapple a few days before an injectable treatment also helps. Bromelain supplements are also known to work.

Over and above that, anti-wrinkle injections specialists, Clinica Lase Melbourne & Ballarat, advise patients to drink as much water as possible during the days leading up to their treatment as this will help plump up the skin and facilitate the healing process.

Lastly, rather plan your injectable treatment around any work or social functions so that you don’t need to worry about having to cover up any bruising or swelling that you may experience after your appointment.

Speak to your doctor about any other recommendations that they might have for the best possible results.