Acid Reflux in Singapore: Can it be cured?

Acid reflux is a condition in which the content of the stomach regurgitates back into the esophagus or food pipe. Faulty lower esophageal sphincter (which lies between the esophagus and stomach) is usually linked to acid reflux. Singapore may be an appealing treatment destination if you’ve been diagnosed with the disease and you’re looking for dedicated and affordable treatment options in Southeast Asia, you may read more over here.

Acid Reflux Treatment Options

If you’re diagnosed with acid reflux in Singapore, there are two main treatment options that may be recommended for you; the first is lifestyle changes, and the second is medication. First, if you’re overweight, losing weight can help reduce pressure on your stomach and improve heartburn symptoms. 

Second, cutting down your alcohol consumption can also help. Another possible acid reflux treatment in Singapore is to stop smoking if you smoke because it impacts your lower esophageal sphincter pressure, thus worsening your acid reflux symptoms.

Finally, eating smaller portions can also help in managing acid reflux in Singapore. Medical treatment is usually recommended if lifestyle changes don’t work or if there are complications such as ulcers or inflammation. The types of medication that can be used to treat heartburn and acid reflux include antacids, histamine H2 receptor antagonists, and proton pump inhibitors.

People with chronic health conditions such as asthma, kidney disease, and heart failure should seek medical advice before using any medications because they can interfere with their treatment or cause complications. In addition, if you’re taking medicines for treating other conditions, especially those medicines which suppress the immune system (i.e., corticosteroids), talk to your doctor about your options since some medications may interact with each other and produce harmful effects on the body. 

Upto that point, if you are worried whether acid reflux can be cured, the short answer is; “yes, acid reflux can be cured.” There is a small twist to it though; first, you need to identify the cause of your heartburn and treat it accordingly or it may not be possible to cure your acid reflux in Singapore. 

For some people, lifestyle modifications will resolve acid reflux issues, while others can get rid of it with medication. However, if you have more severe problems such as inflammation or ulcers, medical treatments are usually required regardless of whether your symptoms are controlled by lifestyle changes alone.

What Foods can help with Acid Reflux?

There are some home remedies for acid reflux. However, there’s no scientific evidence to support their effectiveness, so you will need to get the all clear from your GI doctor before trying any food to help with acid reflux in Singapore. Here are some of the foods that may help with acid reflux.

  • Apple cider vinegar is thought to help neutralize stomach acids and relieve heartburn symptoms. You can take one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water or mix it with your normal drink. It will work best if you take it at the first sign of an attack.
  • Another possible way to alleviate acid reflux symptoms is by drinking pickle juice that contains vinegar, known for its anti-acid properties.
  • Chew fennel seeds after your meal because this may reduce the production of stomach acid that causes indigestion and heartburn. Other herbal remedies include chamomile tea which is thought to soothe the inflamed esophageal lining.
  • It’s also possible that you can avoid some foods, drugs, or drinks that commonly cause acid reflux. For example, spicy food, caffeine, and alcohol are known to aggravate heartburn symptoms. Hence they shouldn’t be taken in high doses if you’re affected by this condition.
  • Fatty foods may also trigger acid reflux because it leaves more residue than other types of food in your stomach, triggering unwanted digestive symptoms. Your best bet is to stick with low-fat meals instead of high-fat diets when having an attack of acid reflux disease.

Tips for Living with Acid Reflux Disease

There are simple lifestyle adjustments you can do to help you live with acid reflux in Singapore. Here are some additional tips to make living with this disease more manageable:

  • Avoid eating immediately before bedtime because lying down while having a heavy meal can increase the likelihood of heartburn. Hence you should finish your last meal at least 2 hours before turning in for the night if you suffer from acid reflux.
  • Make sure that your sleeping environment is conducive to proper sleep, too. Ideally, you should maintain an upright, comfortable position while resting to reduce the burden on your food pipe and esophageal sphincter, which are responsible for keeping stomach acid inside your digestive tract.
  • If you’re a pregnant woman it would help if you do not to lie flat on your back because this position can add pressure on the stomach and esophagus, causing acid reflux. Instead, it would help to lay down in the left lateral position to reduce the stress on these organs for better digestion.
  • Avoid tight clothes because they can increase abdominal pressure that triggers heartburn or acid reflux symptoms. Hence stay away from belts and corsets if your clothing is too tight because it will only make things worse for you when you’re in pain.
  • Sleeping in partial or complete upright positions can help in preventing acid reflux at night by reducing the amount of food residue in your digestive system while resting. If this doesn’t work well enough to improve your condition, try sleeping with a wedge pillow under your back which will elevate your upper body off the ground, further preventing the backward flow of stomach acid.
  • When suffering from heartburn or acid reflux disease, avoid eating spicy foods because they can worsen your symptoms by irritating your esophagus. You can also drink peppermint tea because it has anti-inflammatory properties that will help reduce the inflammation caused by stomach acid during an attack.

Treatment Options for Acid Reflux

If lifestyle modifications and over-the-counter medications fail to control your condition, you should visit a gastroenterologist who may prescribe stronger medication or recommend surgery to strengthen your lower esophageal sphincter, which is responsible for keeping stomach acids inside your digestive tract when it relaxes at the wrong time. There are two surgical procedures that are commonly performed to treat GERD:

  • Fundoplication. This is a surgical procedure that strengthens the valve at the bottom of your esophagus by wrapping a part of the stomach around it. Fundoplication can decrease stomach acids refluxing up into your food pipe and cause heartburn or acid reflux disease.
  • Neck reconstruction surgery. This treatment limits movement between your digestive tract and esophagus, further preventing acid from moving up your throat. Neck reconstruction surgery may be required if other treatments fail to improve symptoms or if you have been diagnosed with Barrett’s esophagus, which is a complication of chronic heartburn that causes precancerous cells in the lining of the lower esophagus due to constant exposure to stomach contents.

The Bottom Line

Acid reflux or GERD is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide, and many others continue to experience its painful symptoms every day. It’s important to see a doctor for proper diagnosis before trying any home remedy because they can worsen your condition if you don’t have acid reflux disease in the first place.


Andrea’s Digestive Clinic: Colon, Liver, Gallbladder, GERD/Acid Reflux Specialist
#21-11/12 Royal Square at Novena, 101 Irrawaddy Road. Singapore 329565
+65 6264 2836