An introduction to the benefits of CBD for the skin

Most of the discussion about cannabidiol (CBD) is on the benefits that this non-psychoactive compound can have inside the body, as a treatment for depression, inflammatory conditions, chronic pain and a long list of other physical and psychological conditions. But CBD also offers several benefits when applied to the skin, in a cream or balm. The reason for this is that the endocannabinoid system (ECS), where CBD and all cannabinoids have an effect, is present in the peripheral nervous system. Cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2) are found in the skin, with CBD having an indirect effect on both.

In this post, our focus is going to be on how wholesale CBD products can be used to alleviate symptoms of acne and psoriasis. We’ll also explore how CBD can have a potent anti-aging effect as an antioxidant.

Using CBD creams for acne

Hundreds of millions of people are affected by acne worldwide, a condition which makes the skin oily, spotty and on occasions painful to touch. Acne breakouts can have a detrimental impact on physical appearance, which for many causes a knock-on negative effect on mental health. Teenagers and young adults are the demographics most affected by acne.

CBD is well-documented for its anti-inflammatory qualities, and these can be harnessed to stop the needlessly high production of sebum from the sebaceous glands in the skin. Hyperactivity among these glands is what causes the skin to become excessively oily, and the pores of the skin to become clogged with dirt, which poses a risk of infection. Unlike other acne treatments which can cause the skin to become too dry by essentially deactivating the sebaceous glands, CBD has a modulating effect, so that the oil is produced in healthy levels.

Apply a CBD cream to the acne-affected areas of the skin, and you should begin to see results within days. If the skin has gotten red and sensitive, these symptoms will also recede quickly enough.

How CBD can be used to manage psoriasis

Treating psoriasis has historically been a formidable task for doctors and dermatologists alike. The skin disorder, which causes too many new skin cells to be generated and forced to the skin’s surface, the result of which is patchy and flaky skin. It doesn’t help that the cause of psoriasis until recently remained a mystery – now, we know that it’s an autoimmune disease.

Therefore, regulating and balancing the immune system should help to reduce symptoms of psoriasis – in this case, restoring the cycle of skin cell production to the correct levels. Normally, it takes around six weeks for the process – cells being created deep in the skin to being shed from the top layer of the skin – to complete, however in psoriasis patients, cells reach the surface after a handful of days.

CBD is capable of sending anti-inflammatory and immune system regulating messages through anandamide-mediated activation of the CB2 receptor. CBD cannot reduce inflammation directly, as it is not a CB2 receptor agonist. However, stopping reuptake of anandamide so that more is available to latch onto the necessary receptors will do the trick.

Slow the aging process with CBD

Just because you’re getting older and are feeling older doesn’t mean that you have tolook older. While the reduction in collagen and elastin production makes some level of aging inevitable, external factors actually contribute to the majority of aging. Hence, while the skin will gradually lose its youthful vibrancy and tightness, this process can be dramatically slowed.

Extrinsic aging is sped up when free radicals break down the DNA of the skin, which prevents new skin cells from being created. These free radicals can be found in cigarette and cannabis smoke, car exhaust fumes, household cleaning products and even the ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun. Free radicals are uncharged molecules, and do their damage when they attack the skin, looking for an electron to become paired.

Antioxidants like CBD have the electrons that these free radicals are looking for. So, when the skin is coated with a CBD cream, a protective layer against them is put in place, saving you from the deep lines and wrinkles which add years to your look.

Final thoughts

The CBD skincare and cosmetic industry is primed for plenty of future growth. We have seen numerous CBD wholesale products come onto the market recently, including ointments, massage gels, serums, day and night creams, salves, balms and even lipsticks and makeups. It begs the question, what will be next?