Benefits Of Undergoing Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedure

Sexual pleasure plays an important role in a couple’s life. However, it might get affected after childbirth or due to some other reasons such as aging, and hormonal changes. Women after childbirth often complain about conditions such as lack of vaginal tightness, urinary incontinence and absence of lubrication to name a few. Many women go through psychological distress due to sexual dysfunction. Well, the good news is that vaginal rejuvenation procedure allows women to have self-confidence and the joy of regaining sexual desire.

What is Vaginal Rejuvenation?

Vaginal rejuvenation is a broad term that covers nearly anything that alters the vaginal anatomy such as reducing, reshaping or tightening genital tissues to help restore a firmer or more youthful, symmetrical appearance. It includes both internal and external structures. Vaginal rejuvenation procedure may consist of female genital plastic surgery, designer vagina surgery, genital rejuvenation surgery, vulvovaginal plastic surgery, etc. In these vaginal rejuvenation procedures — doctors perform surgery to reduce clitoral hood, monsplasty, and labia majorplasty, etc. However, non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation procedures are also available.

Why Vaginal Rejuvenation?

It is important to understand that the vagina is a reproductive organ made up of elastic muscles. Due to its elastic nature, it can expand and contract. During childbirth, vaginal muscles expand so as to push out the baby. On the other hand, vaginal muscles also expand with age. As women get older, changes in hormones reduce the strength of vaginal muscles and the surrounding connective tissues. This results in the loss of vaginal tightness. Vaginal walls also get thin and the diameter of the vaginal wall increases. These changes cause urinary incontinence, lack of vaginal tightness, misshapen labia, and absence of lubrication. And these changes drastically affect the sexual life of an individual.

Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedures

Vaginal rejuvenation is done either through surgery or through non-surgical procedures. In case of surgical procedure, various options are available such as vaginoplasty, vulvaplasty and labiaplasty. In vaginoplasty, tightness of the vagina is performed after childbirth or with age. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia. Women after vaginoplasty experience improved sex life. Labioplasty involves reshaping of labia. It involves surgical reduction of labia minora. Vulvoplasty, on the other hand, means reshaping of the vulva. Non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation provides an alternative to surgery. It involves two methods — radio frequency and the laser. Both these methods involve heating the tissues that leads to tightening of the vagina. There are several benefits of non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation — it takes a few minutes for treatment; patients experience significant improvements with a day or two; no downtown is needed and sexual intercourse can be resumed even the same day of treatment.

Vaginal rejuvenation procedure ensures that a woman’s vagina is tight, lubricated and has a lesser chance of urinary incontinence. Besides, women can also opt for vaginal rejuvenation for cosmetic purposes to improve comfort and lessen problems caused by vaginal tissue laxity such as urinary incontinence or painful and dissatisfying intercourse. Once the vagina is tight, sexual intercourse becomes more pleasurable and both partners enjoy it the most. Women feel confident and enjoy a better quality of life.

Ready for the next steps? Learn more about vaginal rejuvenation Michigan here.