Early Fever or Flu Symptoms

Detecting the early signs and symptoms of the Influenza can help people prevent the spread of this virus, and possibly help them treat the disease before it gets worse. These early signs and symptoms include:





Chills and body aches

Gastrointestinal problems

There are also early signs and symptoms of the flue that are unique to infants and children.


A persistent and continuous dry cough may indicate a person has early signs of illness. It may be early warning signs or symptoms of Influenza or flu. The virus can also cause persistent cough with wheezing, as well as chest tightness. Infected people might cough up mucus or phlegm, but a productive cough is pretty rare in the early stage of the sickness.

To find out more about Influenza, check out https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/pages/immunization/influenza.aspx for more details.

If a person has respiratory problems like emphysema or asthma, they might need to call their health care providers to prevent further complications. Not only that, but people also need to contact their physicians if they notice colored and foul-smelling phlegm or mucus. Influenza complications can include pneumonia and bronchitis.

Make sure to take cough medicine or cough syrup to calm the cough. Keeping the throat hydrated with lots of liquids like caffeine-free teas and water can also help. Always cover the nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing, as well as always wash your hands to prevent spreading the virus.


Fever is a sign our body is fighting off infections. Flu-related pyrexia is usually over 38 degrees Celsius or 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit. Fevers are a prevalent symptom in the early stages of Influenza, but not every individual with the flu will experience pyrexia.

Not only that, but people with the flu might also experience body chills with or without fever while pathogens run its course. Usually, Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen are effective fever reducers, but these medicines cannot cure the virus.

An excessive or sudden feeling of fatigue

Reduced sunlight and shorter days can make people feel tired. There is a difference between experiencing extreme fatigue and just being tired. It is one of the earliest signs and symptoms of having a flu virus. It might appear before other signs. Fatigue is also a sign of common colds, but it is usually more severe with the flu.

Tiredness and extreme weakness can interfere with people’s normal activities. We must limit our activities and allow our body to rest. Make sure to take a few days to sleep from school or work and stay in bed. Proper rest can strengthen the immune system and help the body fight the virus.

Chills and body aches

If people are coming down with Influenza virus, they may mistakenly blame body pains on something else like after-work out body pains. These aches can manifest anywhere in our body, especially in the legs, back and head. Chills can also accompany these pains.

The flu can cause these chills even before pyrexia develops. Wrapping yourself in warm blankets or layers of clothes can increase the body temperature, as well as possibly reduce chills. If you have body aches, you can drink over-the-counter pain medication like Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil), or acetaminophen (Tylenol).

You can check out the medical websites for more info about virus detection, as well as over-the-counter drugs or ask your doctor to make sure you are on the right path.

Sore throat

Influenza-related coughing can lead to sore throats. Viruses like Influenza can actually cause swollen throats without the presence of cough. During the early stages of the flu, the throat might feel irritated and scratchy. People might also feel a strange sensation when swallowing foods or liquids.

If you have sore throats, it will most likely get worse as the viral infection started to get serious. Make sure to stock up on chicken noodle soup, a lot of water, and caffeine-free tea. People experiencing this type of symptom also need to gargle with eight ounces of warm water, one teaspoon of salt, and a one-and-a-half teaspoon of baking soda.

GI or Gastrointestinal problems

Early signs and symptoms of flu can extend below the throat, chest and head. Some strains of the flu virus can cause nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, or stomach pain. Dehydration is a very dangerous complication of vomiting and diarrhea.

To avoid getting dehydrated, drink a lot of fluids, especially water, unsweetened fruit juices, broth, caffeine-free teas, or sports drinks. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages because it triggers the brain to eliminate more water through urination while blocking the brain from signaling the body to drink more fluids.