Everything You Need To Know About Invisalign

Invisalign is a system of removable, clear braces used to straighten teeth. It uses a series of custom-made aligners that fit on your teeth structure and slowly move them into the desired position. It is an excellent alternative to traditional metal braces and is becoming increasingly popular among adults. Invisalign is often used to correct various issues, including overcrowding, crooked teeth, and gaps between teeth. If you are looking to install Invisalign braces, contact Springfield, VA dentist

Everything you need to know about Invisalign

The Invisalign system is comprised of three main components:

  • Aligners: These are custom-made, clear plastic trays that fit snugly over your teeth. The aligners are changed every two weeks so your teeth can gradually move into the desired position.
  • Attachments: These are small tooth-colored buttons that are placed on specific teeth. They help the aligners stay in place and move the teeth more efficiently.
  • Refining: This allows the dentist or orthodontist to make minor adjustments to the aligners as needed.

Invisalign can be used to correct a wide range of dental issues, including overcrowding, gaps between teeth, and crooked teeth. It can also be used to improve the smile’s appearance and correct an overbite, underbite, or crossbite.

Invisalign is generally more comfortable than traditional braces and less noticeable since the aligners are made of clear plastic. They also require fewer visits to the dentist since the aligners can be changed at home.

Invisalign is not suitable for every dental issue and requires commitment from the patient. It may take up to 18 months for the treatment to be completed, and the aligners must be worn for at least 22 hours daily for the best results.  

Commonly asked questions about Invisalign aligners

  • How long does treatment last?

Treatment time with Invisalign can range from 6 months to 24 months, depending on the severity of the dental issue being corrected.

  • Does Invisalign hurt?

Invisalign does not cause pain. Some people may experience minor discomfort when the aligners are first put in place and when new aligners are changed every few weeks.

  • How much does Invisalign cost?

The cost of Invisalign treatment can vary depending on the severity of the dental issue and the treatment length. Generally, the cost of Invisalign treatment ranges from $3,000-$8,000.

  • Are there any restrictions on what I can eat or drink while wearing Invisalign?

Yes, you should avoid eating or drinking anything but water while wearing your aligners. This is to prevent staining or damage to the aligners.