Five Problems Caused By An Impacted Wisdom Tooth 

Wisdom teeth are called so because they emerge later in life, during your teens or 20s. They sit at the back of your mouth with no role to play. If you have had them for months or years, you may wonder what to do with them. Dentists do not recommend pulling them out unless they cause extreme pain and problems with chewing and eating. 

That being said, impacted wisdom teeth can be a headache to live with. If your backside molars are improperly erupted, they will cause a number of problems. This is when they require surgical removal. The longer you wait for the extraction, the more difficult it becomes. Visit a family dental care in Oak Lawn, IL for consultation today. 

Five problems caused by an impacted wisdom tooth 

  1. Discomfort. 

If your wisdom tooth is stuck under the gums and pushing other teeth, it could cause moderate pain. This is because you do not have enough space in your mouth to accommodate them. These extra sets of molars can lead to uncomfortable pressure and irritation. It affects your gum line as well as the roots of your teeth. The pain can range between mild to sharp and throbbing. Taking pain medications is not recommended for the long term. 

  1. Problems in cleaning. 

Hygiene is highly compromised in cases of impacted wisdom teeth. There are hundreds of bacteria in our mouth. The moment your wisdom tooth comes out, they face exposure to them. However, wisdom teeth are much harder to clean than regular teeth. Since they are at the back of your mouth and half inside your gums, cleaning them becomes a challenge. 

  1. Gum swelling. 

Swollen gums are among the common problems faced by people with an impacted wisdom tooth. When too many teeth are trying to fit inside your gums, they are pinched and stretched. This causes issues like bleeding, tenderness, and swelling. Additionally, you may feel pain when brushing and flossing. 

  1. Cavities. 

Due to their improper positioning, wisdom teeth are difficult to clean. Therefore, the chances of food stuck inside the gums are higher. Bacteria and plaque can accumulate and grow in that area, eventually causing cavities. Ignoring the hygiene of your wisdom tooth will only cause these cavities to get deeper and larger. Common symptoms of cavities include toothache and sensitivity. Make sure to visit your dentist for regular check-ups to avoid this. 

  1. Damage to other teeth.

Wisdom teeth erupt when one already has adult teeth. Therefore, there is not a lot of spacing left in the mouth. You can have the best Hollywood smile, but you may still feel pain from an impacted wisdom tooth. One cannot control the way their wisdom teeth grow. Eventually, they cause other teeth to become crooked due to overcrowding.