Get To Know The Benefits of The Silicium in Boosting Strong Hair and Overall Health

Silicium is rarely talked about as an essential mineral for our body as most of us are not aware of its potential benefits. However, scientists believe that it is the main ingredient for the healthy growth of hair, nails, and skin as the evidence is piling in favor of this wonder mineral. No matter what, the immense benefits of silicium for our overall health cannot be ignored.

Taking Silicium supplement

Our body does not get enough silicium from regular foods hence, some supplements are touted for their ability to improve and strengthen our skin, hair, and nails. One such effective silicium supplement is Fortisil OSAcapsules that are available online under the brand name Fortisil. One pack has 30 capsules that come with the patented formulation of Choline Stabilised orthosilicic acid (ch-OSA) and increases the protein for stronger hair, nails, and glowing skin.

Benefits of taking silicium supplement

Each capsule contains the essential ingredients like silicium and choline that reaps several benefits like:

  • Strengthens hair by delivering essential nutrients to the hair follicle.
  • Prevents thinning of hair.
  • Creates a protective layer around each hair strand and helps it from further breakage.
  • Controls hair dryness
  • Locks moisture in hair and adds shine
  • Helps restart the growth process of hair
  • Shows visible results in 4-6 weeks.
  • Prevents brittle nails and makes them strong
  • Increases collagen production that promotes youthful skin.

You can buy Fortisil capsules online without a doctor’s prescription. Since it is a dietary supplement, it is quite safe to consume. However, a doctor’s recommendation is advised for people who are suffering from some medical condition or disorder.

Health benefits of silicium

There are some important health benefits of silicium that everyone should know.

Promotes stronger hair, skin, and nails

Silicium is present in abundance when we are very young and starts reducing as we age. When our dietary silicium goes down, the deficiency causes hair loss and weak nails.

It also plays a main role in maintaining skin elasticity as the mineral helps with the formation of collagen, which is a crucial ingredient for healthy skin. Taking silicium supplements like Fortisil OSAimproves the fragility of hair and nails.

Boosts stronger bones

Silicium is vital for bone health as it helps the body use calcium and prevents fracture as we age. The mineral plays a key role in bone development, strength, maintenance, and density. The benefits are so immense that silicium supplements might also help in preventing and treating osteoporosis.

Enhances healthy heart

It should not be surprising to know that silicium also strengthens the blood vessels and muscle tissues. Since it aids the calcification of bones, it prevents the calcification of other tissues as well. This helps in the calcification of arterial plaque.

Boosts immune system

Silicium helps in regulating your body’s inflammatory response which helps in preventing illness and infections.      It also builds a strong stomach and digestive tract muscles and tissues.

Taking Fortisil OSAcapsules help you to keep your hair, nails, skin, and overall immune system healthy and stronger.