How acupuncture treatment can relieve chronic pain?

Acupuncture relieves chronic pain conditions such as back pain, arthritis, and migraines. Pain and health conditions are relieved using acupuncture, a component of traditional Chinese medicine. Chronic pain persists for 12 weeks or longer beyond the expected healing period for an injury or illness. It arises from issues like:

  • Arthritis causing inflammation in joints 
  • Nerve compression or damage from a herniated disc 
  • Tight, overused muscles leading to myofascial pain
  • Migraines and tension headaches
  • Sports injuries or repetitive strain

Chronic pain signals get stuck in the “on” position in the nervous system. Medications only mask symptoms, and often carry side effects. Getting lasting pain relief from acupuncture is an alternative.

How acupuncture treats pain?

Acupuncture is performed with fine sterile needles inserted into specific body points. Serotonin and endorphins are released by nerve fibers, which stimulate nerve fibers. Other mechanisms of acupuncture’s pain relief include:

  • Activating pain inhibitory pathways in the central nervous system
  • Increasing blood circulation to tissues 
  • Reducing trigger point sensitivity and muscle tension
  • Regulating hormone levels related to pain and stress
  • Overactive ‘fight-or-flight’ sympathetic nervous system calmed

The cumulative effects of regular treatments relieve chronic pain safely and holistically.

Conditions acupuncture can treat

Extensive research supports acupuncture’s efficacy in treating many common chronic pain conditions including:

  • Lower back pain – The most studied application, with numerous trials showing significant pain relief.
  • Osteoarthritis – Reduces joint pain and stiffness in the knees, hips, and hands better than medication alone.
  • Neck and shoulder pain – Alleviates muscle tightness, spasms, and neuropathy.
  • Migraines and tension headaches – Effective for reducing migraine intensity, frequency, and duration. 
  • Fibromyalgia – Lessens pain, fatigue, and sleep disruption.
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome – Decreases widespread pain and soreness.
  • Sciatica and disc herniation issues – Provides back and leg pain relief.

Acupuncture also aids in many stress-related pains. Regular acupuncture treatment in oakville enable lowered pain medication dosages in many chronic pain sufferers.

What to expect during acupuncture treatment?

Acupuncture sessions take place in a relaxing setting with soothing music and a comfortable treatment table. The acupuncturist will:

  • Review your health history, describe your pain symptoms, and ask about lifestyle factors.
  • Palpate along your back, joints, or muscles to locate tender acupuncture points. 
  • Cleanse the skin and insert very thin sterile single-use needles. You briefly feel a mild tingling sensation from the insertion.
  • Position you comfortably and allow you to relax quietly with needles in place for 20-30 minutes. Most people find the treatments peaceful. 
  • Remove the needles. You resume normal activity afterward with limited side effects.

Frequency of acupuncture treatments

Relieving chronic pain requires a course of acupuncture care, not just a one-time visit. You will need:

  • Initial treatment 1-3 times per week for 4-6 weeks. Frequency depends on pain severity. 
  • Maintenance treatments every 2-4 weeks once the pain is under control.
  • Additional treatments as needed for pain flares. Catching flares early prevents pain from worsening.

Some conditions like arthritis initially need lifelong periodic acupuncture treatment to maintain symptom relief and function.

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