Routine Full-Body Skin Examination and Mole Treatment in Fort Worth, Texas

The majority of people pay no attention to moles on their skin unless the mole is situated in an area that negatively affects their appearance. However, it’s essential to be cautious about moles on your body as they can develop into melanoma, one of the most severe forms of skin cancer. At NorthStar Dermatology, the board-certified dermatologists offer routine full-body skin examinations and evaluation of any suspicious moles. For removal of Fort Worth moles for cosmetic reasons or concern about their appearance, call or schedule an appointment online today.

What Exactly Is a Mole?

A mole refers to a colored skin lesion that appears when melanocytes grow in as a cluster. Melanocytes are the skin cells responsible for one’s skin color. Moles usually appear as brown or black and can appear anywhere on your skin, in groups or alone. Most people have moles and are normally nothing to worry about. But while moles are harmless in most cases, they can develop into melanoma, a dangerous skin cancer. Similar to other skin cancer types, expert specialists can successfully treat melanoma if diagnosed early. However, if the cancerous mole is not detected, cancer will quickly spread to other body parts. After metastasizing, melanoma cancer becomes fatal and stubborn to treat fully.

When Should You Consider Seeking Professional Medical Care for Your Moles?

Now that a mole could possibly be cancerous, you probably wonder when you should see a doctor for your moles. It’s recommended to visit a doctor for evaluation if your mole; looks different from other moles, itches, hurts or burns, bleeds, grows quickly, changes, is new if you are more than 30 years old, or has a rough or scaly texture. These mole symptoms are red flags alerting you of a potentially cancerous mole. However, the mole may itch or bleed if it’s in a place that is frequently irritated by jewelry or clothing. Regardless, it’s best to go for a mole evaluation at NorthStar Dermatology to have the moles removed.

What Are the Available Mole Treatments?

When you book an appointment to evaluate your moles, the team at NorthStar Dermatology starts by performing a complete examination of your whole skin to check for other potential issues. If an uncharacteristic mole from other moles is identified, the treatment is done by removing the mole through excision or biopsy. During the biopsy process, the doctor uses a thin blade to shave the blade away. This is done by cutting around the mole, including a small margin of the healthy skin surrounding the mole. The doctor then sends the cut-out mole tissues to the laboratory to examine any cancer cells. The healthy skin margin is also examined to check if all the cancer cells were eliminated.

In conclusion, most moles are pretty harmless, but some can be cancerous. Therefore, you should not take the risk of having a possible melanoma. NorthStar Dermatology provides routine mole evaluation and effective treatment. For any questions about the lesions and moles on your body, call or book an appointment online today.