How a Cosmetic Clinic Can Help You with Acne

Acne is a skin concern that’s characterised by the presence of pimples, blackheads, whiteheads and other blemishes on the surface of the skin. It typically occurs when the pores of the skin become clogged with sebum, bacteria and dead skin cells. The condition can be painful for some individuals, and even mild cases of acne are enough to cause a reduction in confidence and self-worth in some people. 

While there are many over-the-counter treatments available for acne, not all of these are effective at combating acne. A cosmetic clinic in Melbourne can offer a variety of different treatments that can help to improve the appearance of the skin, reduce the redness and swelling of pimples and prevent acne from reoccurring. This article will go over some of the most common acne treatments offered by cosmetic clinics as well as the benefits of seeking treatment for acne through a clinic. 

Popular Acne Treatments Offered By Cosmetic Clinics

Treating acne on your own can prove to be a difficult and sometimes impossible task. While there are many natural and over-the-counter treatments available for acne, not all of these treatments are effective, especially depending on the root cause of the acne itself.

A cosmetic clinic in Melbourne will typically only offer treatments that are clinically proven to rid the skin of acne and prevent it from coming back. Some of the most popular acne treatments offered by cosmetic clinics include:

  • Microdermabrasion – This is a mechanical exfoliation treatment that can help to improve acne and skin texture. During the treatment, fine crystals are used to gently sand away the top layer of dead skin cells. This process helps to unclog pores, smooth out rough texture and reduce the appearance of acne and the scars it can sometimes leave behind.
  • Extraction – This process involves manually clearing out congestion and extracting both blackheads and whiteheads. This can help to reduce acne breakouts by preventing further build-up of oil and bacteria within the pores.
  • Peels – Both micro peels using salicylic acid and prescription peels using retinoic acid have been shown to be particularly helpful in improving the appearance of acne scars and hyperpigmentation. Peels work by removing the top layer of damaged skin cells, revealing fresh, new skin beneath. The type of peel a cosmetic clinic recommends will be based on your individual needs and goals. 
  • Laser peels – Laser peels are another option for treating acne scars and improving overall skin tone and texture. Laser resurfacing uses short pulses of light energy to target damaged skin cells. The heat from the laser helps to stimulate collagen production, leading to firmer, smoother skin after the acne has been removed.
  • IPL photo rejuvenation – This is a light-based treatment that can help to reduce inflammation and promote healing in order to improve the appearance of acne-prone skin. This therapy works by targeting specific areas of concern with concentrated beams of light energy. The light energy helps to kill bacteria, reduce inflammation and promote healing of the skin.

Many of these treatments can be combined and work effectively when used in tandem. The right combination of treatments for you will depend on the cause of your acne as well as its severity, so it’s best to get in touch with a cosmetic clinic in Melbourne to find the right treatment options for you. 

 The Benefits of Being Treated at a Clinic

There are many benefits to seeking treatment for acne at a cosmetic clinic in Melbourne. Some of the biggest benefits are:

: A Customised Treatment Plan

Cosmetic clinics will typically devise a personalised treatment plan based on your individual needs. The type of acne you have as well as its severity will be taken into account in order to select the right treatment.

Access to Professional-Grade Products

Many of the products available for purchase at a cosmetic clinic in Melbourne aren’t available over the counter at pharmacists and other stores. These products are generally more effective in treating acne due to their higher concentrations of active ingredients. 

Treat Multiple Concerns

A cosmetic clinic in Melbourne will not only be able to help you with your acne, but they can help you with any other skin concerns you may have such as wrinkles, fine lines and sun damage. You can effectively get a treatment plan for all of your skin concerns beyond acne, saving you time and money in the long term.