Invisalign: Benefits, Procedure, and Aftercare

Clear aligners have grown in popularity over the past decades as an option for straightening or realigning your teeth. Among the many clear aligners, Invisalign is the oldest and the best-known product. Unlike metal braces, Invisalign is transparent aligners that are removable and virtually invisible. 

cosmetic dentist in Downtown Chicago and the entire team of experienced orthodontists can help you get started on your Invisalign journey. 

When are Invisalign aligners recommended?

Invisalign is a brand name for a type of thin, transparent aligner used in orthodontic treatment. It is made from a flexible thermoplastic material that also offers excellent durability. 

Invisalign is most often recommended for mild to moderate teeth alignment issues. It can also help correct certain complex dental problems. In general, Invisalign can treat the following issues:

  • Crowding
  • Crooked teeth
  • Unwanted space between the teeth (diastema)
  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Crossbite

What are the benefits of Invisalign?

To determine if Invisalign is the right choice for you, then take a look at the benefits:

  • These aligners are much less noticed than metal brackets, and wires of braces
  • They can be physically removed from your mouth when required
  • Since they are easily removable, you can brush and floss your teeth conveniently
  • Minimal irritation to the surrounding structures like gums and cheeks
  • You do not need to have any diet restrictions since they can be removed while eating

What does the Invisalign procedure involve?

The treatment usually begins with a thorough oral examination of your teeth’ alignment and the health of your soft tissues. Your dentist will then take an impression of your mouth to fabricate the clear aligners. These are usually in the form of clear trays that need to be worn over your teeth. 

The length of your treatment and the time the trays need to be worn depends on your individual misalignment issues. 

The lab will create your customized clear aligner trays, ensuring they fit securely over your teeth. 

During the aligner placement, your dentist will give you all the instructions and precautions to be followed for successful treatment. 

How to care for your Invisalign aligners?

You are expected to follow proper oral hygiene, and maintenance to ensure a successful treatment. Some common tips to keep in mind include:

  • Remove your aligners while brushing, and eating
  • Clean your aligner trays with unscented antibacterial soap with a soft-bristled toothbrush
  • Always store them in their case when removed to prevent losing them


You no longer have to feel embarrassed due to your metal braces. Invisalign clear aligners are path-breaking inventions that help correct mild to moderate alignment issues and enhance your masticatory function and your smile as well.