The Most Efficient Way to Lose Weight

A gastric band is known to be a soft, adjustable silicone band that’s placed around the upper part of the stomach and locked or closed to create 2 chambers: this is a small upper stomach that has a narrow hole to the lower stomach. The gastric band cost abroad can be a lot cheaper than in England, so consider where to have it done wisely.

How gastric band works

There is a balloon on the inside of this band. A thin tube connects this balloon to an access point sitting under the skin of the abdominal wall known as a port site. Through the port, a gastric band surgeon can make adjustments periodically to the gastric band based on a person’s food cravings, weight loss plus other physical reactions to this surgery by using a saline to deflate or inflate the inner balloon. As the band is being inflated, the upper stomach outlet will become smaller; this helps to decrease the amount of food someone takes and slows food emptying into the lower stomach.

The procedure

Usually, adjustable gastric banding is performed using a safer method called minimally invasive surgery. You’ll receive a general anaesthetic prior to surgery, which is going to put you to sleep and you will not be able to feel pain during the gastric banding procedure. This surgery is done using a laparoscope (a tiny camera) placed in your stomach and enables the surgeon to view the inside of your stomach. The surgeon will make 1 to 5 small surgical incisions in your abdomen where he will place the laparoscope plus the instruments that are needed to perform this surgery.

The surgeon will then place the gastric band around the upper section of your stomach and create a small pouch that has a small opening into the larger, lower section of your stomach.

Gastric banding results

Gastric banding results in around 35 per cent to 45 per cent of excess weight. For instance, if you are 45 kilograms overweight, you can expect to lose around 16 to 20 kilograms after this procedure. These results vary widely, however. Gastric banding is regarded as the safest and least invasive weight loss surgery. If necessary, this procedure can be reversed, and in time, your stomach will return to its normal size.

Gastric band surgery normally leads to a shorter hospital stay (one day only), a faster recovery time (around 7 days), smaller scars plus less pain when compared to other gastric surgery procedures. This procedure also offers a more gradual weight loss when compared to other gastric surgeries.

When you weigh less, it becomes easier for you to do your everyday activities, move around and join in new activities that will help in improving your general fitness as well as your wellbeing.

Gastric band cost abroad

If you are thinking of getting this procedure abroad, it is essential to consider all the options you have before flying to an international clinic. Gastric band cost abroad is reasonable and includes consultation with the surgeon, a check-up visit, medication, one night of hospital stay, cost of the gastric band itself plus all required transfers.