The Vasectomy Procedure, How Does It Work?

If you are looking for a permanent contraceptive, you might have considered the vasectomy procedure. But, before you go through with the procedure, you and your partner have to both talk to the doctor, and see whether this procedure is definitely something you want.

What is a vasectomy?

This is a simple surgery that can be done in the doctor’s office, clinic or a hospital. The small tubes in your scrotum will be cut, and thus the sperm cannot be carried to the semen and cause pregnancy. The vasectomy procedure is a quick and safe procedure, and you will be able to go home the same day. It is almost 100% effective towards unwanted pregnancies.

The vasectomy is a great contraceptive

There are different vasectomy procedures, the scalpel and no-scalpel vasectomy. The scalpel vasectomy will create a tiny incision while the no-scalpel vasectomy will create a small hole, and you can learn more about it if you check out the no scalpel vasectomy Sydney from Vasectomy Australia or talk to your doctor instead.

Keep in mind that the no-cut methods lower the risk of infections as well as other complications, and often times they take a lot less to heal. But, this is something to be discussed with your doctor, because only he or she will be able to give you the best recommendation on the method.

How does the vasectomy work?

The microscopic cells that cause the pregnancy are made in your testacies. That sperm will leave the testicles through vas deferens, which are two tubes. Then, the sperm will mix with other fluids and make semen. Visit if you are interested to learn more.

The vasectomy will cut the vas deferens, and prevent the sperm to get into your semen. Sperm cells will then stay in your scrotum, and they will get absorbed by your body. About three months after the vasectomy, your semen will have no sperm, thus the pregnancy will not be possible.

Prevent unwanted pregnancies with the vasectomy procedure

However, the amount of semen you produce will not change after the vasectomy. Neither will your desire, need and performance. You will still experience pleasure and you will be able to hold an erection. The vasectomy will not change anything, the only change that will be present, is the one that can be seen under the microscope.

In addition, a vasectomy will not change the way you experience an orgasm, from the feeling to the look. Your semen will look and feel the same, it will even have the same taste. The only difference is that the semen you produce will be sterile.

Final word

The vasectomy procedure is a great way to prevent unwanted pregnancies, if you and your partner have decided not to have children in the future. But, before you have this decision made, you should have a nice chat with your doctor, and hear what he or she has to say about this.