Vitamins necessary for growth of a legendary beard

Its 100% true that one is what one eats. There is nothing more attractive on a man than a legendary looking beard which is why the craze for a wholesome beard is on the rise. But in order to grow a beard one must devote a lot of hard work and time towards it by ensuring one gets all the following beard vitamins and minerals in their diet.

1) Vitamin C- Vitamin C which is primarily known to boost immunity is also a very powerful antioxidant. An antioxidant is a substance which helps to eliminate free radicals from one’s body. Presence of these free radicals in a large number is the primary cause of destruction of hair follicles, which after occurring will make one’s hair thinner and lighter. One can also get vitamin c from fruits like oranges, kiwi and strawberries and leafy vegetables like cauliflower, kale etc.

2) Vitamin A– Vitamin A helps in the production of a natural lubricant called sebum which is secreted by the skin especially near the scalp. The main function of sebum is to keep the hair moisturized, shiny and lustrous. This is the reason why almost all beard vitamins pills and tablets contain Vitamin A in abundance. One can also get Vitamin A from fruits like mango, papaya and vegetables like broccoli and tomatoes.

3) Vitamin E– This Vitamin is important for maintaining the overall health and condition of hair, beard as well as skin. Like vitamin C, vitamin E also increases blood circulation ensuring hair follicles to get a steady and rich supply of minerals, nutrients as well as oxygen which is necessary for proper hair growth. But if one is already taking anticoagulants or medication for high blood pressure one must consult a doctor before taking the beard vitamins because vitamin e can result in an increased blood pressure. One can get vitamin E from soybean, leafy green vegetables, raw nuts and seeds.

4) Niacin or Vitamin B3- Niacin which is a subcategory of vitamin B, helps to regulate a lot of hormones in the body. More often than not a thinner and improper beard and hair loss is a result of hormonal imbalance. Food such as fish oil, pork, chicken, peanuts and strawberry contain a healthy dose of vitamin B3.

5) Biotin or Vitamin B7- Biotin, another subcategory of vitamin B is another essential vitamin that one has to look out for in order to enhance proper hair growth. It is especially important for facial hair growth because it helps to promote the synthesis of keratin which is technically protein for the hair. If one is looking to grow a good looking beard, one has to include this vitamin daily in their diet. Egg yolks, beans and legumes contain this vitamin in abundance.

Beard Vitamins tablets contain large number of vitamins and minerals along with all these mentioned vitamins and minerals to promote beard growth so taking them alongside daily diet is not such a bad idea to promote good beard growth.