When should I go for emergency dental care?

Dental issues can remain dormant for a long time and can go unnoticed easily. However, some dental emergencies require immediate action. Understanding when to seek emergency dental treatment can help in avoiding a bigger dental crisis. Have a look at some dental problems and the warning signals that necessitate emergency dental care.

According to a family dentist in Upland, CA, 6 conditions when you should go for emergency dental treatment: 

  • Severe Toothache: If you’re experiencing a severe toothache, then it might be a signal of a serious underlying dental problem. If over-the-counter pain medications and home remedies are ineffective, it is necessary to seek emergency dental care. Ignoring a severe toothache might result in increasing pain and infection.
  • Broken or fractured tooth: A broken or cracked tooth can be caused by a variety of factors, including biting down on a hard item or being injured. To prevent further damage or infection, wash your teeth with warm water, administer a cold compress to mitigate swelling, and see your dentist as immediately as possible.
  • Fallen tooth: If you suffer a major accident resulting in a knocked-out tooth, seek emergency dental treatment as quickly as you can. Because time is a very crucial factor in deciding the success of preserving the fallen tooth. With immediate expert care, a knocked-out tooth can be carefully reinserted back into its socket. If that isn’t an option, keep the tooth in milk or a tooth preservation kit and get to the dentist as soon as possible.
  • Lost dental filling or crown: Losing a dental filling or crown can expose the underlying tooth structure, which can cause sensitivity and inflammation. It’s essential to have the filling or crown replaced as soon as possible to protect the tooth from further damage and possible infection.
  • Abscess or swelling: An abscess is an unpleasant pus-filled infection that can form around the root of a tooth. It can cause extreme swelling and pain. If you’re noticing a swelling or a pimple-like protrusion on your gum, it could be an abscess that requires urgent treatment by a dentist.
  • Loose tooth: Though it is natural during childhood, a loose tooth is not a normal condition if you’re an adult. If you notice a movable tooth, this might be an indication of a latent dental problem, such as underlying gum disease or dental trauma. An emergency dental appointment can help in the prevention of otherwise imminent tooth loss.

If you experience any of these symptoms, please see an emergency dentist without waiting a minute. Remember that timely action is critical in medical emergencies; by taking quick action, you can avert a bigger health loss.