Effects of Cannabis on Humans: How it Affects Immune System?

Cannabis has become significantly accepted in American society, and the drug’s comprehensive prominence as a more or less benign substance has increased. Despite its worldwide reputation, the people of New Jersey have reported different physical and psychological effects from cannabis, including breathing issues, weakened immune systems, memory loss, etc. 

The use of low-quality cannabis often leads to further health problems. Therefore, buying cannabis products from a certified shop, such as City Leaves, is recommended. Comprehending how cannabis affects immune function stays shady. Without further ado, let’s consider how the immune system works and how cannabis impacts the immune system!

How does the immune system of humans work?

Human physiological defenses feature two significant categories, including innate and adaptive immunity. Every human being is born with a general immune system serving as the first line of protection against pathogens penetrating the body. It consists of obstructions, including the mucous membranes and skin, that physically thwart the annoying germ’s activity. 

Such biological barriers also harness acids, enzymes, and mucus to impede the formation of bacteria and viruses. Scavenger cells, which are also termed phagocytes, bolster the innate immune system. Whereas our innate immunity employs a scattershot and unselective method to ruin attackers, adaptive immunity works more specifically to prevent intruders. If our innate protections fail, the adaptive system strives to back up and starts to find the culprit pathogen and generate particular antibodies that are scheduled to destroy it. 

The two primary participants in this procedure are T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes. The first one activates other immune cells, identifies and abolishes cells affected by viruses, and builds memories of pathogens to bolster future immunity. Meanwhile, bone marrow-derived cells in the latter evolve into plasma cells and produce enormous quantities of antibodies.

How does cannabis affect the immune system?

Cannabis may be able to modulate our physiological defenses because of the close connection between the immune system and our psychological system. It can be seen that phytocannabinoids, found in plants, and endocannabinoids, found in humans, share an identical structure, which implies the external cannabinoids, including CBD & THC, can bind to the ECS receptors, imitate endocannabinoids and affect enzyme action. Since our endocannabinoids have a significant impact on our ability to fight infection, using plant-based cannabinoids could be a technique to “hack” the ECS in terms of resistance.

Cannabis & Multiple Sclerosis

MS also autumns into the autoimmune variety of ailments, which give rise to symptoms of pain, exhaustion, and muscle cramps as immune cells start to attack the brain & nerves. The actual reason for MS is still unidentified, but a mixture of environmental and genetic elements is to blame. Researchers are eager to discover if cannabinoids can facilitate the condition in any method, from neuroprotection to minimizing immune activation. 


Cannabis & HIV

HIV mainly spreads via unprotected sex. The pathogen becomes a parasite once it penetrates the body and spreads waste to the immune system. HIV has flu-like symptoms, and a significant plummeting of CD4+ T cells helps hire other immune cells when dealing with an infection. 

As researchers try to debunk the immunosuppressive effects of cannabis, it seems logical that people living with HIV must avoid cannabis. However, studies indicate that a large number of individuals employ this herb. Researchers are examining whether marijuana can lessen the spread of viruses and increase T cell numbers in addition to attempting to comprehend the hazards associated with cannabis use in HIV patients.


Researchers have failed to provide adequate data till now on whether cannabis bolsters the immune system or not. Some studies show that the herb has fantastic immunosuppressive properties; nevertheless, if it’s correct, it might also potentially cause issues in individuals with compromised immune systems.