Dwayne Johnson Fox News Supplements – Are They The Best?       

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Surprisingly, one of the aims of muscle building is weight gain. We’re not however referring to the unhealthy type of weight gain that can lead to obesity. We’re referring to the weight gain that comes from building more muscle. Not surprisingly, many body builders turn to supplements to assist them with this.

What are the best supplements to use if weight gain is your objective?

Whilst experts maintain that a combination of correct exercise routines, good nutrition, and supplements are the best way to achieve desired muscle weight gain, there are those who prefer to rely more heavily on their supplements. If that sounds like you, you need to ensure that the muscle supplements you’re taking truly are the best for the job.

Building muscle requires protein. Protein is needed to help rebuild stressed muscle tissue that has been damaged by exercise routines. It is in fact this continual tearing and repair process that builds muscle, strange as that may sound. Therefore, one of the first things you need to look for in a muscle-building supplement is protein. A good supplement will contain plenty of this along with other nutrients and glyconutrients that all contribute to the muscle building process.

Another nutrient that contributes to a healthy muscle building process are Omega 3 fatty acids. Whilst seafood is one of the best sources of Omega 3’s, there are plenty of plant-based ones to be found as well. Plant-based fatty acids are called Alpha Linolenic Acid or ALAs. Flaxseed oil is rich in ALAs as are other seeds like chia, hemp, canola oil, and soybean oil. Other noted sources of ALAs include navy beans, avocados, purslane, whole wheat bread, and oatmeal.

Rounding out a good nutrition ‘package’ for muscle building are

  • essential vitamins and minerals
  • creatine – a compound created as part of protein metabolism that helps supply and recycle cellular energy (ATP) needed for muscle contractions
  • glutamine – an essential amino acid needed for making protein and maintaining a healthy immune system

Top Tips For Finding The Right Muscle Building Supplement For You

When looking for quality weight gaining and muscle building supplements, experts recommend selecting one that will help you reach your daily target intake of calories.

Do your research about the ingredients you should be looking for in a quality supplement of this nature, and what their purpose for being in the supplement is.

Read the label and a product’s list of ingredients before you buy. If there are ingredients listed that you’re not familiar with, look them up.

Also research brands and manufacturers you should be avoiding – there are plenty of dodgy ones out there peddling products that are not just ineffective but also contain harmful chemicals.

Avoid supplements that contain substances known to have harmful side effects unless you believe having a great body now is worth the risk of having a wreaked one later in life.

Talk to your doctor before taking any muscle-building supplements.

Make sure you know exactly how much you’re supposed to take.