FAQs about root canal therapy explained

If you have a deep cavity that has caused an infection of the tooth pulp, you may need to go for root canal therapy. Dentists and endodontists recommend root canal therapy to protect a natural tooth from extraction, and it is a common procedure that can be completed in two to three sessions. When you meet a dentist in Dedham, MA, you can ask for relevant details, and for your help, we have answered common questions related to RCT.

When is root canal therapy necessary?

The root canal can get infected because of a cavity. When that happens, the dentist will take x-rays and decide whether you should get the infected tooth extracted or go for root canal therapy. If you ignore extreme sensitivity and toothache for a while, you may end up with a severe infection that can cause unprecedented pain.

Will root canal therapy hurt?

No, root canal therapy will not hurt. Your dentist will use local anesthesia before moving to the first step, and while some patients experience mild discomfort, there is usually no pain. You can expect the process to get over in two or three sessions, depending on the extent of the infection.

Is root canal therapy safe?

Yes, root canal therapy is a safe treatment as long as an experienced dentist or endodontist is doing their job right. The treatment is not new and has been around for decades. You don’t have much to worry about as far as safety is concerned.

Is root canal therapy better than an extraction?

It depends on the facts of each case. If the endodontist has a remote chance of saving a tooth, they will do what it takes, including going for root canal therapy. An extraction may be necessary in some cases when there is no hope that the tooth can function naturally. In other words, there is no way to say that root canal therapy is better than extraction or vice versa.

Will root canal therapy weaken the tooth?

Yes. Because the inside of the tooth – the pulp – is removed during root canal therapy, it can alter the overall strength of the treated tooth. There are several ways to fix that concern, including the placement of a dental crown. The crown will also restore the strength and appearance of the tooth.

The actual procedure can take time, and your dentist will ensure that you feel the most comfortable during each appointment. Visit a dental clinic if you have evident signs of tooth infection.