8 Cancer-Fighting Foods You Need To Start Eating ASAP

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There exists no single preventive measure to fight cancer, but there are combinations of things that we can do that can undoubtedly make a difference. Eating healthy foods can make a massive impact on the lives of people who wish to prevent cancer. But what are the kinds of food that can help lower your risk of cancer?

We’ve gathered some of the best food choices for your reference.

Green Leafy Vegetables

Your favourite leafy greens double as a cancer-fighting superfood thanks to its antioxidants and ITCs or Isothiocyanates content. Stick to kale, romaine, arugula salad and spinach and add a handful to your meals.

Matcha Green Tea

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If you’re looking for the best drink that can aid in combating cancer, then matcha tea is what you should be drinking. Why? This powdered green tea contains the highest percentage of EGCG (known as the most effective cancer-preventive polyphenol), gallocatechin, catechin and polyphenolic compounds.

Olive Oil

Many already use olive oil daily due to its many health benefits. But did you know that studies showed that consuming more olive oil can help lower your risk in developing colorectal and breast cancer, as well as cancer of the digestive tract? It would be best to switch your oil for salads, cooked veggies and marinated meats to olive oil instead of your regular oils.


Almost all berries have a very high amount of proanthocyanidin antioxidants in them making them worthy of being included in the list. This is the very reason why Chinese traditional medicine has been using berries to increase energy and immunity for so many years now. The best thing about berries is they are easy to find, delicious-tasting and one can easily use them in many recipes.

Cultured Dairy Products

Do you love dairy products? Well, continue splurging on cheese and Greek yogurt as you can get more probiotics in raw dairy products. Stick to the organic kind as processed milk products have ingredients that can damage the vital nutrient you’re after.


Turmeric has been used by people for so many years now, and one of the essential nutrients used to fight cancer nowadays. IT contains Curcumin, a yellow pigment known to provide anti-cancer benefits to those who consume it over long periods of time. Nowadays, Curcumin which is extracted from Turmeric is a popular alternative to chemotherapy drugs for its ability to kill cancer cells alone. You can add the spice to preparing and cooking meals, like in most Asians dishes.

Good Read: Turmeric: The golden spice of long life and vitality


Tomatoes have Lycopene which not only gives its vibrant colour, and can also reduce the risk of cancer – particularly, prostate cancer. So, make sure to add tomatoes to increase your lycopene intake. You can add two tomatoes in your pasta, salads and sandwiches for a daily dose of lycopene.

Salmon and Sardines

Small, wild-caught fishes like salmon and sardines are a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids. Eating these type of fishes can help cancer patients reduce side effects of chemotherapy and prevent cancer altogether. Try to eat these if you want a healthy diet that also has cancer-fighting abilities.

There are lots of other foods that can help fight cancer, but this list can help you get started with a healthy diet. While current and continuous research is necessary, a healthy lifestyle is what everyone can do to lower the risk of developing such disease.