The Common Peripheral Neuropathy Causes

The peripheral nerves play a critical role in the individual’s body by sending messages from the spinal cord and the brain to all the other parts. This process helps the person to have sensations such as pain, involuntary functions such as digestion and blood pressure, and stimulating movement. In some instances, the nerves can suffer an injury, a condition known as peripheral neuropathy. The person will have conditions such as numbness, weakness, and pain in the feet and hands. Since these symptoms are uncomfortable, it causes most people seek treatment. If you have this condition, you should visit the Neuropathy and Pain Centers of Texas. These are the common causes of peripheral neuropathy.


The diabetes neuropathy symptoms include a progressive change in sensation, weakness, and foot pain. In the later stages, the neuropathy will cause loss of sensation in the affected regions. In most instances, these symptoms result from nerve encapsulation by the sugar. This encapsulation slows down the nerves’ conductive characteristics making the electrical impulses to the nerves fail to function right.


In some instances, people eat food with toxins, unknowingly causing neuropathy. Some people prefer eating sea foods since they believe it is healthy even though it has a high amount of mercury which causes neuropathy. Moreover, brown rice has high arsenic levels, which can cause neuropathy. If you also have an excess of a nutrient in the system, you can create a toxic effect on the nerves.

Trauma, Inflammation, and Repetitive Stress

A swelling or injury can put pressure on or damage the nerve interfering with its functions and causing neuropathy. If you have previously had trauma on the spine that has affected the spinal cord or peripheral nerves, you are likely to have neuropathy. If you have an injury around the knee, you could have neuropathy at the peroneal nerve, which leads to pain, tingling, numbness, and weakness on that nerve. Most people who engage in repetitive work, sports, or hobbies exposed to consistent stress increase the risk of having the condition.

The Genes

Some neuropathy is hereditary. In most instances, these neuropathies are extreme and cause muscle atrophy, weakness, and loss of sensation. They are diagnosed by blood tests, conduction tests, and biopsies. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease is a common hereditary neuropathy. It affects the individual’s sensory and motor nerves. Its common symptoms include foot deformities, difficulty lifting the foot, unsteady balance, loss of hand coordination, and loss of sensation.


Various infections can also cause neuropathy. The common infection that leads to this condition is herpes zoster, also known as shingles. In most instances, the risk of having lasting nerve pain or postherpetic neuralgia caused by shingles rises with age. Moreover, the risk is also high among women. People with Lyme disease are likely to have neurological symptoms, mostly neuropathy, affecting the face.

Have you suffered from neuropathy that has affected your quality of life and are looking for a facility that could treat this condition? You should relax since the Neuropathy and Pain Centers of Texas are here for you. The facility has a team of qualified specialists that you can choose from. The specialists will examine your condition before offering you special treatment. Visit the facility today and have the treatment you have been looking for.