Top 5 Things Everyone Needs To Know About Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth are a mischievous bunch as they often grow at odd angles and cause trouble. Sometimes they also develop infection, thereby affecting their neighbouring teeth. Thus, removing these late bloomers has become one of the most common oral procedures. Here are some essential things you must know about wisdom teeth removal in Sydney,

  • It is done more often than you think

Wisdom teeth removal in Sydney is the one of the most common tooth extraction procedures when compared to any other tooth. This is due to the condition called pericoronitis, in which the area around the wisdom teeth is inflamed when they initially emerge. This problem mostly occurs in young adults, prompting them to have them removed.

  • There is no fixed cost

The wisdom teeth removal cost in Sydney can vary significantly depending on the complexity of the procedure involved. It is quite easier to remove upper wisdom teeth, thus the dentists might charge lesser for the treatment. At the same time, due to the increased difficulty in removing lower wisdom teeth, you might need to pay more for them.

  • It is not wise ignore the after-care instructions

Most patients falsely believe that once the extraction is completed, the treatment is done. But taking the required after-care steps is equally important if you want to have a successful wisdom teeth removal in Sydney.  Immediately after the extraction, your dentist would place a gauze over the exposed area in order to arrest the bleeding and would ask you to bite it down for some time. Luckily, it is enough to stop the bleeding because soon enough a blood clot would be formed over the wound.

Be careful about your eating and drinking habits for the following days and within a week or two you could go back to your normal life.

  • The actual procedure is pretty straight forward

Before the procedure, the dentist would examine the x-ray of your mouth to understand the location of the tooth and its position in relation with the nearby teeth, nerves and sinuses. Then, you are given anaesthesia to help you relax and save you from feeling any pain during the procedure. If there is any gum tissues attached to the teeth, they are removed first. After that, the fibres that connect the tooth to the jawbone are broken down. Then, the wisdom tooth is removed with the help of forceps. Also, you might need stitches to close the wound.

  • Look for dental emergency symptoms

It is normal to feel sore during the first few days of the procedure. But if you happen to notice severe bleeding, difficulty in swallowing or intolerable pain in the jawbone, consult your dentist immediately.

Overall, the treatment is not bad as they appear now. Also, it is best to get

About Dr Paulo Pinho:

As an experienced oral surgeon with over 15 years of experience in Sydney, Dr Paulo Pinho specialises in dental implants and wisdom teeth removal in Sydney. Using high quality dental products and cutting-edge technologies, Dr Paulo Pinho offers dental implants and wisdom teeth removal service at affordable rates. To know more, Visit or Call 1300 721 184 for more information Dental Office: Suite 4 Level 12, 187 Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000