Top 6 Tips for Dental Implant Recovery

Dental implants are hugely beneficial for people who have lost teeth. Although dental implants can take some time to recover from, there are ways that you can keep your recovery as easy and smooth as possible. 

You should choose an experienced dentist for implant dentistry in Dieppe because the dentist who does the process can make all difference. This is because a dentist who has performed the procedure on many patients will be better at detecting if there are complications or not.

In fact, where you have your dental implant surgery done matters. If you want the best results, it’s better to do it in a reputable clinic. They will ensure that they perform the process in a sterile environment and use the latest technology for dental implant placement.

Here are some tips for dental implant recovery.

  • Prioritize rest and keep your head elevated

The most important thing for dental implant recovery is to relax. After the surgery, you will be in a lot of pain, and this might make it hard to sleep on the first night. Therefore, it’s a good idea to sleep on your back with your head elevated. This way, you will be able to rest easily and not feel dizzy when you get up in the morning.

  • Ice the surgical site

The surgical site needs to be cooled for 24 hours after the surgery. This is in order to speed up the healing process. You can do this with an ice pack or a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a cloth.

  • Rinse gently

Make sure that you rinse your mouth gently with warm water, but do not brush your teeth. Also, don’t be tempted to rinse your mouth with saltwater. The salt will cause irritation in the area where the implants were placed.

  • Take medication as recommended

It’s a good idea to take painkillers to help you get through the first few days. Your dentist might also prescribe antibiotics in order to prevent infections from forming around the surgery site.

  • Eat soft foods

After the surgery, you must eat soft foods for the first couple of days. You can start with liquids, such as soups and broths. Once your pain subsides you can gradually start eating solids.

  • Hydrate often

After surgery, you should drink enough water so that your body is hydrated. You must drink a minimum of eight glasses of water every day to make sure that your body recovers quickly.